Desay SV Intelligent Factory Phase II Launches

Fri. Apr. 12 2024

Huizhou, China, April 11, 2024. Desay SV Huinan Plant Intelligent Factory Phase II was inaugurated. It spans an impressive 80,000 square meters and features 50 SMT production lines. Also, it has one-piece flow production capability. With the completion of Phase II, the total production area of the Intelligent Factory at the Huinan Plant in Huizhou, China, has reached 130,000 square meters. This expansion is a significant stride forward, providing crucial support and assurance for Desay SV's strategic development objectives.




One-Piece Flow Production Line Achieves Integrated Production


The One-Piece Flow Production Line at Intelligent Factory Phase II was completed in four months. By shortening the production cycle, it can complete the entire process from loading to finished product within four hours. This has greatly improved the inventory turnover rate and reduced inventory pressure. In addition, the latest generation of composite robots has replaced manual labour, requiring only two assembly operators for a line. This has increased production efficiency by 65% and significantly reduced the cost of manpower and time.


Intelligent and Accurate Cargo Access


The Intelligent Factory Phase II utilizes intelligent facilities such as an automatic warehouse, AGV, intelligent material rack, etc. A computer system controls these to complete the automatic access of unit goods and other operations accurately.


Digital SOPs


The Digital SOPs were implemented, allowing for efficient search, access, and updates, while reducing carbon emissions with paperless work.


Greening Production


The design of the facility is centered around the idea of green and sustainable development. To achieve this goal, it has incorporated environmentally friendly production methods, including recovered heat from compressed air systems, the energy control system, and the energy storage station, etc.


Flexible Manufacturing


Desay SV has developed its own MES 2.0 system to connect with customer data, enabling data-driven production and responding to the challenges of industrial chain stability while meeting customer's flexible production needs.




Dapeng Gao, President and CEO of Desay SV, pointed out that Desay SV will leverage experience gained from successfully implementing the Intelligent Factory project to replicate and expand the project domestically and internationally. It will enable Desay SV to offer advanced intelligent services to customers worldwide.




Choon Lim Tan, Chairman of Desay SV, said that by the year 2025, the company aims to achieve an all-encompassing improvement in quality and efficiency by transitioning towards intelligence. Additionally, the " The Resilient Artisan" spirit of the Desay SV team will continue to be reflected in the intelligence process in the future.


Desay SV is currently in the process of developing manufacturing capabilities in various regions across the globe. By replicating the success of its digital factory, Desay SV aims to establish a reliable and safe global supply system for customers.