Message from the Chairman

Spring arrives, pulsating with new life. With the advent of full economic recovery, 2023 is a crucial year for Desay SV to advance towards realizing its 2025 strategic plan. When the global automotive industry is accelerating towards the transition to new energy and intelligence, thanks to the introduction of numerous new models into the market and the high level of recognition from consumers, automotive electrification and intelligence is sweeping across the globe. Adhering to the core concept of "sustainable development," Desay SV navigates towards broader horizons with firm strategic determination and relentless innovation spirit.


Pioneer, Uphold long-termism

For the 37 years since its establishment, Desay SV has been committed to being a long-term player. Throughout the process of product design and development, we understand that dissatisfaction with the status quo is the inevitable path to growth and innovation, and the investment needed to change the status quo is substantial and long-term. With the R&D team accounting for over 45% of the total employees, it has become a key driving force of continuous innovation and leading the industry. Furthermore, over the past decade, we have steadfastly pursued a long-term approach, allocating approximately 10% of annual sales revenue to research and development, a move that constitutes a core element of our sustainable development and demonstrates our precise grasp of future technological trends and profound commitment to social responsibility.


Reduce Carbon Emissions, Promote Green Development

With adherence to the Paris Agreement and active response to China's goals of "peak carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060”, in 2021, Desay SV formally initiated our carbon neutrality plan, established a Carbon Neutrality Management Committee, formulated scientifically sound emission reduction plans, and committed to achieving carbon neutrality in our operations by 2030, with 100% utilization of green electricity. We have also set the goal of achieving carbon eutrality across our value chain by 2050. In 2023, we embrace the concept of green and low-carbon development and implemented a total of 12 energy-saving projects company-wide, resulting in a total emission reduction of 3000+tCO2e. Green mobility is one of the pathways to achieving global energy transformation and accelerating carbon neutrality. We integrate the concept of low-carbon development into various aspects of our company, such as research and development and supply chain management, and collaborated across departments to design the first intelligent cockpit low-carbon product, ensuring green mobility.


Nurture Talent, Contribute to Social Value

A company should be measured not only by its economic success but also by its contribution to social value. An outstanding company should focus on its contributions to employees, local communities, and even the entire society. In terms of human resource management, the company adheres to a talent philosophy of promoting growth through learning and development through innovation, providing employees with a cross-cultural, multi-domain, and multi-channel development platform. With advanced 
concepts in talent management, the company was honoured with the "2023 China Talent Management Culture Model Award" and retained the title of "China's Best Employer of 2023," recognizing the effectiveness of Desay SV's talent management. Giving back to local communities and society is also our firm commitment. In 2023, we carried out a total of 11 public welfare activities around urgent social needs, focusing on green environmental protection, caring for education, and rural revitalization, and donated 1 million RMB to the flood-stricken areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during difficult times, demonstrating our sense of social responsibility.


In 2023, Desay SV made new progress in corporate sustainable development governance. The Sustainable Development Management Committee enhanced its management functions, established a Sustainable Development Management Board, and redefined relevant substantive issues from the dual perspectives of financial value creation and sustainable development impact, further ensuring the effective promotion and healthy operation of the company's business in all areas.


Moving forward, with the concept of sustainable development, Desay SV will continue to work with all stakeholders to achieve win-win outcomes, empowering the high-quality economic momentum.